Application dates are closing in for this falls programs, so we wanted to highlight this by having Changemaker Educations and Futuregames join us for this weeks lunch talk!
Hear more and ask questions about the following programs!
The program builds on Futuregames' long tried educational programs. You will get a chance to produce at least three games and work on your portfolio. Learn to pitch your ideas and game concepts in from of a jury of industry professionals.
The demand for Experience Designers have skyrocketed the world over. User Experiences, sustainable business models and digital innovations are leading the change and it have never been more relevant than during this pandemic when everyone turn to digital tools to help them with their everyday life.
The accelerator program at The Great Journey helps game professionals' with both their production pipeline and maximize their business opportunities.
We are looking for small and ambitious teams who want to accelerate their game start up.
Date: May 27th
Time: 12.15-13.00
👉 See our earlier lunch talks this season!
The Great Journey and our events are made possible with the support of the European Regional Development Fund, Region Värmland, Karlstad Innovation Park and Embracer Group.