"Every eighth person in the world has played a video game from Sweden and now Värmland is taking the lead in moving the industry forward. "
Welcome to an experience in nordic storytelling and game design.
Our hosts for this event are David Mervik, Narrative Director at Tarsier Studios (Little Nightmare 2) and Leif Stinnerbom Creative Director at Västanå teater.
The two will lead the masterclass in narrative game design based on narrative analysis, game design analysis and hands-on prototyping.

Photo: Bandai Namco
The Great Journey and Västanå teater invite you to the first-ever Masterclass in Narrative Game Design in Sweden.
A fresh approach to narrative design boosting the cultural capital of the games industry.
We want to push things forward, connect and inspire people making use of the mythical spirit of Värmland.
Photo: Håkan Larsson
An excusive experience
This is an exclusive event with 12 seats, so register to secure your ticket. This event is a great fit for narrative designers, writers, game designers and people in the industry interested in designing great games. We're inviting thought leaders to share ideas, knowledge and to inspire each other.
This is an all inclusive experience, lunch to lunch Wednesday the 8th to Friday the 10th of September.
There will be a coach picking you up at Karlstad Centralstation. For those of you living in Stockholm, you have the opportunity to be picked up by a coach in Stockholm and meetup the others in Karlstad.

Photo: Selma Spa Hotell
You’ll all arrive in time for lunch at Berättarladan, the biggest barn in Värmland, remade into a theater scene. For accommodation you’ll be staying at Selma Spa Hotel. Food for this event will be provided by Kulinarika, a local vineyard serving great food.
During the event you’re invited to see the theatre play Körkarlen, this year's production by Västanå teater. We finish on the Friday and have lunch before the coach will take you back to Karlstad and for those who wish Stockholm.
Price: 2000 kr Including meals, accommodation and transport to and from Sunne-Karlstad-Stockholm.
Covid precautions
We will test all participants when arriving at Berättarladan. The hall seats 230 persons so we can keep adequate distance between participants.
See you all in September!