The neverending battle,
Mouse VS Tablet
Part 2 of 9
A beginners guide to Pixel art
By Danielle Woods (Woodspixl)
It is weirdly believed across the art world that in order to level up your drawing skill, you need a drawing tablet and a fancy one at that. In some cases of high detail and pixel-perfect precision might be the case but when working within the realm of pixel art, it isn’t so.
There are many artists, including myself, who in some cases, a mouse can prove more beneficial than a stylus. For example, working on small sprites (below 50x50 pixels) can easily be done with a mouse, but a larger environment piece might require more of a fluid stroke which the tablet will always prove better for.
And lastly, the ultimate reason why I use a tablet over a mouse at this current time is to protect my wrist from cramping up after spending hours upon hours a day drawing. Holding a pen in a natural pose is much healthier than using a mouse.
Aseprite Brush Tips and Tricks
MortMort : Continuing on from Mortmort’s basic introduction video, this is a more advanced video looking into the different ways and methods to use Aseprite’s different brush options such as saving custom brushes, patterns and tile brushes. All in which will help with working with tiles or simply speeding up the process of creating.
Constructing Lines and Curves in Pixel Art
Brandon James Greer : When it comes to lines and curves within pixel art, this video will help with understanding the term ‘doubles and jaggies’ and how you can avoid these by using the option ‘pixel perfect’ within Aseprite and counting the pixels to make the curves symmetrical.